(Powerful Prayer For Miraculous Cure And Healing)

July 1st to 31st


(Powerful Prayer for Employment, Promotion Business and Financial Growth)

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of the faithful, and in kindle in them the fire of thy love.
V. Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created.
R. And thou shall renew the face of the earth.
(Book/invite us for talks, teachings, prayers, seminars etc)
Collection of various saints biography.
Prayers to the Holy Wounds and meditations on the Passion and sufferings of Christ.
Collection of various daily Marian Prayers.
Daily Mass Readings; First reading, Second reading, Psalm and Gospel.
Collection of Catholic Catechism Resources.

This course is a systematic study of Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ and Her place in salvation, church and the world within Roman Catholic Theology. The Course also covers the veneration of Mary in daily life, prayers, hymns, art and in the church in general. It also covers extensively, the four dogmas surrounding Mary.
Everything you need to know about Angels, demons, Spiritual Warfare and Exorcism.
All Prayers and Devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
Watch videos and download e-books on Marian Apparitions
Collection of Catholic Prayers, Novenas, Chaplets and Litanies.
