Mary Our Help
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Novena To Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Day 3
NOVENA PRAYER DAY 3![]() Day Three AudioACT OF CONTRITION My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, my father and Redeemer, behold at Thy feet a poor sinner who has so grievously afflicted Thy loving Heart. O lovable Jesus, how could I have offended thee and filled with bitterness that Heart that loves me so and that has spared no effort to attain my love? How great has been my ingratitude! But, O my saviour, be consoled, be consoled, I say to thee; now I find myself repentant, such grief I feel for the afflictions I have caused thee, that I would like to die of poor sorrow and contrition. O my Jesus! Who could have made me weep for sin as Thou hast wept for them in Thy mortal life! My soul is oppressed for having offended Thee. Eternal Father, in satisfaction for my offences, I offer Thee the affliction and sorrow the Heart of Thy Divine Son has felt for them. And Thou, O Loving Jesus! Give me such a horror for sin that it may make me avoid even the most trifling of faults from now on. Depart from my Heart, earthly affections; I do not want to love anything now but my most bountiful Redeemer. O my Jesus, help me, strengthen me, and pardon me. My Mother of Perpetual Help, intercede for me and obtain for me the pardon of my sins.
PREPARATORY PRAYER(To be said everyday)O Most Blessed Virgin Mary! Whom to inspire us with boundless confidence has been pleased to take the sweet name of Mother of Perpetual Help; I implore Thee to come to my aid always and everywhere, in my temptations, after my falls, in my difficulties, in all the miseries of life, and above all, at the hour of my death. Give me, O loving Mother, the desire, nay more, the habit always to have recourse to Thee, for I feel assured that if I am faithful in invoking Thee, Thou will be faithful in coming to my assistance. Obtain for me, then, this grace of graces, the grace to pray to Thee without ceasing and with childlike trust, that, by means of my constant plea, I may ensure Thy Perpetual Help and final perseverance. Bless me, O tender and solicitous Mother, pray for me now and at the hour of my death. Amen
THIRD DAY MEDITATIONOur Lady of Perpetual help assists Her devotees to overcomelukewarmness. Yesterday, we saw how great is the tenderness of Our Lady with great sinners, but it is no less great with another class of souls in need, those who are called tepid and are in a state almost as dangerous as that of mortal sin. Although these negligent souls, who at times frequent the sacraments, do indeed wish to avoid mortal sin, nevertheless, they do not try to serve God, filling their lives with voluntary venial sins; with superficiality, they recite their prayers and carry out other devotions; they hear mass, perhaps go to confession and receive Communion, but they do it out of routine and for human considerations; without fruit, without advancing in virtue; anger, lies, murmurings, rash judgements, nasty words, envies, laziness, vanity, impurities, dangerous and useless conversations, disordered attachment to the things of the world and other similar faults easily find their place in the hearts of tepid persons. Think of the great risk of being condemned for being in this state. St. Teresa saw the place for which she was destined in Hell if she were not more fervent. In the opinion of St. Chrysostom, we must have more fear of habitual venial sins than mortal sins because, says this great saint, mortal sin is monstrous and inspires horror. At the same time, tepidity leaves us calm and unconcerned. And was it not perchance against tepidity that Our lord has proffered these tremendous words:" I would that thou wert cold," that is, that you would be in mortal sin! Who would believe it if God Himself had not said it?" But because thou art lukewarm, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth." Who does not have a horror of vomit? That is why St. Gregory writes:" I do not despair of seeing a sinner, as yet unconverted, saved; but rather for the salvation of a soul that has fallen into tepidity." A terrible sentence that the doctors confirm when they teach that it is almost impossible for a tepid soul to be converted. O, careless soul! It is sufficient to commit a habitual sin deliberately to be tepid and to find oneself in this danger. What will become of you who commit so many faults with as much ease as thirsty swallow water? But then, the soul who finds itself in the state will say to me: " Is there then no remedy for me, and must I abandon myself to despair?" O, unfortunate soul! It is difficult for you to be converted. But with all that, do not despair. Consider that what is impossible on Earth is not so in Heaven. If you wish with all the earnestness of your will to throw off this dismal yoke, I will tell you a way as efficacious as it is easy. Lift your glance; contemplate the image of your most kind Mother of Perpetual Help. Do you not see a brilliant star on Her forehead? It is the symbol of your hope. Place your confidence in Her, begin to serve Her with fidelity, and you will feel your heart transformed.Devotion to this Mother of fair love is incompatible with culpable negligence. O, how many souls have given up their tepidity on the same day they have begun to be Her devotees? What is lacking to you is the powerful love that fears to displease the lovable Jesus, for She is the Mother of this fervent charity that beautifies souls. She wishes to grant it to you more than you want to receive it. Do you want the miracle of Cana re-enacted for you? Invoke Her with love. She will present you to the Divine Infant Who rests in Her arms, saying to Him: " Vinum non habent."(They have no wine) " My son, see this poor soul who does not have true love." And then your coldness will be converted into a fervour, as the water was converted into wine. Our Lady will inspire in you a living desire to concentrate yourself without reserve to the lord; She will give you a special delight in meditating on eternal truths; She will communicate to you a singular devotion to the August Sacrament of our altar; and thus you will be able to break the chains that imprison you and again be the delight of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Meditate and ask for what you wish to obtain from Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
JOYSAT THE END OF EACH PARAGRAPH SAY"Come hasten to assist me, O Mother sweet and kind!"
Thou art Perpetual Help benign;
Hear, O Virgin pure,
Stained by guilt and sin
Free the careless soul
Wretched in this vale
If my virtue wanes
To Thy faithful child
Free my fickle heart
In the final clash
In purgatory's fire,
Grant me, Mother dear,
Come hasten to assist me
EJACULATORY PRAYERO Mother of Perpetual Help! Do not let me fall into tepidity, and if by mishap I may have fallen into it, but quickly Lift me from it.
EXERCISEBefore ending the novena, make a serious and fervent Confession as if it were your last.
PRAYERBehold me here, O my Mother. I am one of those unhappy souls who deserve to find myself abandoned by Thy Son, and by Thee, in the miserable state of tepidity, I have lived for so many years. However, the new lights that He imparts to me today through Thy intercession and that mysterious voice that calls me to serve Him fervently are signs that He has not yet abandoned me. O Mother most kind! I have no fervour; I do not love Jesus as I should love Him, and nevertheless, I want to be all His. Please help me to consider venial sin in extreme horror; make me fervent. Pray, do not cease praying for me so that I leave my tepidity and serve God with fervour until attaining Heaven, where I will be safe from all danger of losing God, sure of loving Him always, and of loving Thee, also, O Mother of Perpetual Help, for all eternity. Amen Do you see? Oh, man! Whomever you may be and in whatever occupation you find yourself, you have no reason to be discouraged; find in Our Lady of Perpetual Help a kindest Mother, Who helps you in your miseries if you confide in Her; She will help you continually until seeing you one day seated at Her side in Heaven. May Thou be blessed, then, Lord, for in Thine infinite mercy Thou hast given us Thy Blessed Mother as a refuge and opportune aid in every tribulation, and blessed is She Who is the Perpetual Help of the exiled children of Eve in this valley of tears. O Mother of Perpetual Help, what consolations and sweetness the soul feels when pronouncing Thy name! For the tongue that utters it, it is an exquisite honey; for the ear that hears it, a harmonious melody; and for the heart that savours it, the purest and holy joy.
EXAMPLEA figure of tepidity, consumption, that terrible illness that even today mocks human science, afflicted a young North American woman for five years, during two of which she was unable to get up from her bed. Both lungs were affected, and one of them was almost completely lost. Several eminent doctors had declared that there remained no hope of saving her and that no more could be done to alleviate the poor sick girl's suffering. But she, having heard of the extra-ordinary cures due to the invocation of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, felt inspired with great confidence in Her, and she begged her mother to begin a novena in the church of the Redemptorist Fathers, where the miraculous image was venerated. On the ninth day, when the mother was preparing to go and make the last visit to the image, the sick one asked permission to accompany her. The poor mother, believing the girl was delirious, abstained from giving in to her. But behold, at that moment, the young girl arose and dressed without anyone's help. She accompanied her joyous mother to the church and, after having prayed with a fervour that is easy to imagine at the foot of the altar of her Heavenly liberator, she returned to her house perfectly cured. Great was the doctor's surprise when making his usual visit when he found the sick girl up, but that surprise peaked when he found out that she had left the house in the morning. "My daughter is cured; my daughter is cured!" the mother repeated, transported with joy. The doctor, a complete unbeliever, did not know what to think of what he saw. He examined the lungs scrupulously and recognized that they were healthy and intact. When he had been told of all that had happened, he could do no less than exclaim: " Well then, if there are such things on earth that can be called miracles, surely this is one of them." May Our Lady Of Perpetual Help be loved, praised, invoked and eternally blessed! May she be my hope, love, mother, refuge, and life. Amen.
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CONSECRATION TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELPMother of perpetual help, I freely and consciously dedicate my body, soul and spirit to Your Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus today. May two hearts of love protect my life and soul from the attacks of the devil and the fire of hell. My Queen and Mother, before Your throne of mercy, I come for help and intercession. I beg for mercy and healing touch upon me and those that are sick, especially those that are terminally ill. Mother of mercy, present all those sick before your Son; our lord Jesus Christ, the greatest physician; for miraculous cure and wholeness. Uproot every infirmity in our lives and grant us divine healing. Mother of perpetual help, intercede for me now and always, be my constant and sure aid in times of need, trouble or affliction. Help me always to serve, love and obey your Son, my lord Jesus Christ. Lead me by the hand in this life that I live, that I may not stray from the path of life, but live according to the will of God, in order to have a blessed life here on Earth and to rejoice also in the afterlife. I commit to You today, my life. I pray that You sustain and increase all sources of my joy and happiness and remove every form of discomfort and pain not of God in my life. Give me the grace to serve and please God that He may bless, favour and guard me in all I do. I pray for the grace always to be your devotee and always call on you daily. I consecrate my family to you, asking you to always intercede on our behalf at every moment and at all times, and I also ask you to preserve our soul and lead us to your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I give you my whole life and my entire being, asking you to take strict possession of me from now henceforth as your property. I also consecrate today all family members, wherever they are, asking you to take over their lives. Mother of perpetual help, I give you my heart and my soul. Preserve them in love and for the love of Your Son, my lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Make my heart fear God and desist from displeasing and hurting God as long as I live. Give me the grace to love Him honestly with all my heart, mind, strength, and neighbour as myself. Mother, preserve me in my earthly journey so that I can attain salvation at the end of my life, there to rejoice forever with you and the heavenly host. Amen
PRAYER TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP FOR A SPIRITUAL NEED(Optional)Oh mother of perpetual help, with great confidence, I come before you today to invoke your unfailing aid. You have seen the wounds my lord and master has taken upon Himself to receive for my soul. You have seen the precious blood of your adorable Son flowing for my salvation, oh, Mother, know how much your Son, our lord Jesus Christ desires so much to save me. Behold, I cast myself at your feet and ask you to obtain the grace I stand so much in need of. O mary, my queen and mother, o most loving of all mothers, obtain from me from Jesus, the source of all good things, these grace here (mention your intention). My mother of perpetual help, you desire my salvation far more than I do: our lord has given you to me for my mother; you have chosen to be called the mother of perpetual help. I trust not in my merit but in your powerful intercession, your goodness and mercy, and your powerful motherly love. Mother of perpetual help, for the love of your Son Jesus, our Redeemer, for the love of my soul, grant me what I humbly ask of you.
CONSECRATION OF FAMILY TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP(Optional)Most Holy Virgin Mother of Perpetual Help, I thank you with great respect and love. Most humble and precious mother, I kneel before you to consecrate to you in a special manner my home and everybody and everything in it. I take you most loving as the mother of my family. Queen of heaven, make us worthy of becoming your favours children. Hold us under your protection. Protect us from sin and sinful occasions, and teach us to love Jesus, your most holy child. I thank you, most holy Mother, for your maternal protection and the numerous graces we have received through your powerful intercession. Grant that all who live may always invoke your good name, for your name o Mother is help in life and salvation in death. O Mother of Perpetual Help, bless and my household, pour your blessings on us, bless all those who think about you. So that we may contribute to you are family, may imitate you in love, humility, chastity and resignation to the will of God, so that if we serve you worthily in this world, we may praise you and thank you forever the world to come. amen |
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