Mary Our Help
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Novena To Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Day 1(From January 1st to 9th, 2025.)CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FREE LENTEN PRAYER BOOK FOR 2025
DAY ONE NOVENA PRAYER![]() Day One AudioACT OF CONTRITION My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, my father and Redeemer, behold at Thy feet a poor sinner who has so grievously afflicted Thy loving Heart. O lovable Jesus, how could I have offended thee and filled with bitterness that Heart that loves me so and that has spared no effort to attain my love? How great has been my ingratitude! But, O my saviour, be consoled, be consoled, I say to thee; now I find myself repentant, such grief I feel for the afflictions I have caused thee, that I would like to die of poor sorrow and contrition. O my Jesus! Who could have made me weep for sin as Thou hast wept for them in Thy mortal life! My soul is oppressed for having offended Thee. Eternal Father, in satisfaction for my offences, I offer Thee the affliction and sorrow the Heart of Thy Divine Son has felt for them. And Thou, O Loving Jesus! Give me such a horror for sin that it may make me avoid even the most trifling of faults from now on. Depart from my Heart, earthly affections; I do not want to love anything now but my most bountiful Redeemer. O my Jesus, help me, strengthen me, and pardon me. My Mother of Perpetual Help, intercede for me and obtain for me the pardon of my sins.
PREPARATORY PRAYER(To be said everyday)O Most Blessed Virgin Mary! Whom to inspire us with boundless confidence has been pleased to take the sweet name of Mother of Perpetual Help; I implore Thee to come to my aid always and everywhere, in my temptations, after my falls, in my difficulties, in all the miseries of life, and above all, at the hour of my death. Give me, O loving Mother, the desire, nay more, the habit always to have recourse to Thee, for I feel assured that if I am faithful in invoking Thee, Thou will be faithful in coming to my assistance. Obtain for me, then, this grace of graces, the grace to pray to Thee without ceasing and with childlike trust, that, by means of my constant plea, I may ensure Thy Perpetual Help and final perseverance. Bless me, O tender and solicitous Mother, pray for me now and at the hour of my death. Amen
FIRST DAY MEDITATIONThe Title Our Lady of Perpetual HelpAmong the numerous titles under which Christian piety is pleased to invoke the Blessed Virgin, there are few that are as likely to lift our hearts and fill them with unlimited confidence as the sweet name of Mother of Perpetual Help, a name that pleases Her so. To convince you of this: consider, on the one hand, what the life of man on earth is, and on the other hand, what the name of Our Lady of Perpetual Help means. Truthfully, what is life but a chain of miseries, dangers, afflictions and labours? In the temporal order, who is exempt from illness or from poverty? Who is there who does not have to weep? In the spiritual order, who knows how, on every occasion, to be on guard against the great misfortune of sin, against the snares of lukewarmness, against the coaxing of temptations? Who does not weaken from time to time in the service of God, in the practice of virtue, and who does not tire at times in the path of good? Finally, what Christian does not tremble at the thought of the decisive and difficult moment of death, of the purifying fire of purgatory? In view of such miseries and necessities, the soul, overwhelmed, feels itself weakening and would like to burst into tears. But upon hearing the sweet name of Mother of Perpetual Help, it becomes serene; it takes courage and continues joyfully on its path toward eternity. Why? Because it then feels that its lamentations are not lost in a desert but that they find a gracious echo in the Heart of a Mother who desires and can help it. In truth, the Virgin of Perpetual Help means a remedy for all the evils that afflict us - a remedy not just for a day but perpetual, from the cradle to Heaven, help in everything and help at all times. Perpetual Help means consolation in afflictions, poverty, illness, and labour; strength to give up sin, whether mortal or venial, and not to fall into it again. Perpetual Help means fidelity in the service of the lord and of the virgin Herself, and therefore, final perseverance. Perpetual Help means courage in the practice of virtue; special protection in the terrible hour of death; prompt and efficacious relief in the dreadful prison where just souls, still indebted to Divine justice, suffer before entering the heavenly homeland. Perpetual Help means: that even when circumstances or situations occur where everything seems hopeless, there is still one certain recourse: the Protection of the Blessed Virgin. Meditate and ask for what you wish to obtain from Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
JOYSAT THE END OF EACH PARAGRAPH SAY"Come hasten to assist me, O Mother sweet and kind!"
Thou art Perpetual Help benign;
Hear, O Virgin pure,
Stained by guilt and sin
Free the careless soul
Wretched in this vale
If my virtue wanes
To Thy faithful child
Free my fickle heart
In the final clash
In purgatory's fire,
Grant me, Mother dear,
Come hasten to assist me
EJACULATORY PRAYERO Mother of Perpetual help, may your name never depart from my lips nor forsake my heart.
EXERCISEA visit to the image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, reciting ten Hail Marys and commending to Her all your necessities and those of your family.
PRAYERO Mother of Perpetual Help! For the ingratitude with which, until now, I have repaid Thy mercies and those of God, I deserve, as just punishment, Thy depriving me of Thy favours; but, O my sweet Mother, no matter how great my ingratitude is, Thy kindness is even greater. Do not disdain, therefore, to help a poor sinner who confides in Thee! Thy heart overflows with charity for all and never has one heard it said that any unfortunate soul had left Thy feet without having his tears dried. Do not forget my miseries; intercede for me before the God of goodness, Who refuses Thee nothing and prove once more that Thou art worthy of the sweet name of Perpetual Help.
EXAMPLEDuring the last years of the 15th century, when the Turks were afflicting the Christians on the isle of Crete with bloody persecutions, a pious merchant was obliged to abandon his native soil forever and seek asylum under the skies of Italy. The vessel that conveyed him had scarcely reached the high seas when it was lashed by a violent tempest, and in a few moments, the hurricane tore off its sails, and the raging waves destroyed its rudder. The crew, upon seeing their ship lost and made a plaything by the waves, terrified and struck with fear, awaited the death that would give the depths of the ocean for their tomb. In the midst of that frightful scene, only the merchant of Crete appeared to be serene. There was courage in his words, and confidence glowed in his eyes. And as the fury increased, the pious traveller ran to the ship's interior, found his luggage, and, uttering sighs of hope, returned to the deck carrying in his hand the image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. "Look," he exclaimed, addressing the afflicted crew: "Behold the star of the sea; behold the beacon of navigators. Let us invoke Her in our afflictions. She will save us." Upon saying these words, the merchant lifted the precious image before the terrified crew members, who grouped themselves on their knees around his feet. "Petitions rise from the earth, and prodigies descend from heaven", according to Saint Augustine. And sure enough: the travellers had hardly invoked Mary with that powerful cry of faith when the hurricane stopped the course of its winds, and the great ocean calmed its waves. The sun shore in the skies, and the ship, rocked by the gentle breeze, went on to drop its anchors on the beautiful shores of Italy. This was the first wonder about the miraculous image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help manifested before the face of Christianity. She wanted to commence Her favours in a vanquished tempest, to teach us that, in all the torments of life, no matter how lost we feel ourselves to be, She will always be our life, our sweetness and our hope. Amen May Our Lady Of Perpetual Help be loved, praised, invoked and eternally blessed! May she be my hope, my love, my Mother, My refuge and my life. Amen. Kindly Install the android app with largest collection of Catholic prayers and resources. You will get the following in the app: Catholic Books, All Novenas, All Chaplets, All Litanies, Catechism, Daily Mass Readings, Counseling, Mariology Course, Lots of Catholic Prayers, Saints And Feast Days, Videos etc. Click here to install the android app Subscribe with your email address and get Novena and prayer updates.
CONSECRATION TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELPMother of perpetual help, I freely and consciously dedicate my body, soul and spirit to Your Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus today. May two hearts of love protect my life and soul from the attacks of the devil and the fire of hell. My Queen and Mother, before Your throne of mercy, I come for help and intercession. I beg for mercy and healing touch upon me and those that are sick, especially those that are terminally ill. Mother of mercy, present all those sick before your Son; our lord Jesus Christ, the greatest physician; for miraculous cure and wholeness. Uproot every infirmity in our lives and grant us divine healing. Mother of perpetual help, intercede for me now and always, be my constant and sure aid in times of need, trouble or affliction. Help me always to serve, love and obey your Son, my lord Jesus Christ. Lead me by the hand in this life that I live, that I may not stray from the path of life, but live according to the will of God, in order to have a blessed life here on Earth and to rejoice also in the afterlife. I commit to You today, my life. I pray that You sustain and increase all sources of my joy and happiness and remove every form of discomfort and pain not of God in my life. Give me the grace to serve and please God that He may bless, favour and guard me in all I do. I pray for the grace always to be your devotee and always call on you daily. I consecrate my family to you, asking you to always intercede on our behalf at every moment and at all times, and I also ask you to preserve our soul and lead us to your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I give you my whole life and my entire being, asking you to take strict possession of me from now henceforth as your property. I also consecrate today all family members, wherever they are, asking you to take over their lives. Mother of perpetual help, I give you my heart and my soul. Preserve them in love and for the love of Your Son, my lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Make my heart fear God and desist from displeasing and hurting God as long as I live. Give me the grace to love Him honestly with all my heart, mind, strength, and neighbour as myself. Mother, preserve me in my earthly journey so that I can attain salvation at the end of my life, there to rejoice forever with you and the heavenly host. Amen
PRAYER TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP FOR A SPIRITUAL NEED(Optional)Oh mother of perpetual help, with great confidence, I come before you today to invoke your unfailing aid. You have seen the wounds my lord and master has taken upon Himself to receive for my soul. You have seen the precious blood of your adorable Son flowing for my salvation, oh, Mother, know how much your Son, our lord Jesus Christ desires so much to save me. Behold, I cast myself at your feet and ask you to obtain the grace I stand so much in need of. O mary, my queen and mother, o most loving of all mothers, obtain from me from Jesus, the source of all good things, these grace here (mention your intention). My mother of perpetual help, you desire my salvation far more than I do: our lord has given you to me for my mother; you have chosen to be called the mother of perpetual help. I trust not in my merit but in your powerful intercession, your goodness and mercy, and your powerful motherly love. Mother of perpetual help, for the love of your Son Jesus, our Redeemer, for the love of my soul, grant me what I humbly ask of you.
CONSECRATION OF FAMILY TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP(Optional)Most Holy Virgin Mother of Perpetual Help, I thank you with great respect and love. Most humble and precious mother, I kneel before you to consecrate to you in a special manner my home and everybody and everything in it. I take you most loving as the mother of my family. Queen of heaven, make us worthy of becoming your favours children. Hold us under your protection. Protect us from sin and sinful occasions, and teach us to love Jesus, your most holy child. I thank you, most holy Mother, for your maternal protection and the numerous graces we have received through your powerful intercession. Grant that all who live may always invoke your good name, for your name o Mother is help in life and salvation in death. O Mother of Perpetual Help, bless and my household, pour your blessings on us, bless all those who think about you. So that we may contribute to you are family, may imitate you in love, humility, chastity and resignation to the will of God, so that if we serve you worthily in this world, we may praise you and thank you forever the world to come. amen
TESTIMONIESChristabel I want to thank our Lady of perpetual help for listening to me and interceding on my behalf. I did this novena last month (April) and one of the things I asked for was granted and I believe the rest will also come through. Thank you my mother for helping me. Onyedikachukwu Juliet I thank our Lady of perpetual help for all she has done in my life especially when I needed her intercession the most. I called upon Her when I was about to take my jamb examination and to the glory of her name, I passed in flying colours.
Lucy I passed my exams through the intercession of my mother of PERPETUAL HELP, she came through for me. On the 6th day of the novena, she helped me escape destruction in the dream. All I could see was a mighty woman telling those who tried to hurt me "Don't touch her, she's my daughter and any one who tries it has me to contend with.
I was saved and woke up. On the day after the prayer, my result came out beautiful.
Ezinne Perpetua I just don't know where to start from, because am speechless! This my mama too dey pamper me😫😫❤️ I was supposed to write my jamb examination on the 25th of March 2023. Everything about this my exam was just problem. The centre had two different addresses, this was how the whole confusion started. When I finally saw the school where I was to write my exam, on the day of the exam I had alot of challenges. Imagine writing an exam and your system goes off and the invigilators said that nothing can be done! So frustrating I know that. Those that had the same issues waited until we were all addressed. The person in charge told us to go home and do another print out, that we will be given a centre to write our exams again. I went home checked and checked! But it was still the same thing, then I started this Novena today telling Mama that I want my exam to be today or tomorrow. To the Glory of GOD they have changed it and am writing my exams Today. May Her Perpetual help come to everyone in need of Her help. Amen I know that she will also grant me success in my exams today.🙏🙇🏼♀️❤️ Our sweet Mother of Perpetual help! Pray for us.🙏❤️ Maryrose Ani After finding out I was pregnant, I become devastated. I was planning to do gender tracking cause I have 2 female children already, but I embarked on our lady's novena and pleaded to her to grant my heart desire. After nine months, she didn't disappoint me. I have a baby boy now! Benita I had a jamb exam to write even though I was confused on the course because of cut off mark but I trusted in MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP and today I got the score that I need to pursue my desired course Paullete I took an Exam so tough that I never knew what the outcome would seem like. I was going through the Anxiety of waiting for the Result. In that moment, I decided to start the Novena to our lady of perpetual help. Barely 4 days I started, the Result came out and it was successful. This is the second miracle from our Lady of perpetual help. May she be praised, honored and adored forever. Amen. I love you Dear mother of perpetual Help. Yomi Wilfred I started this novena one and a half years ago and ever since Our Lady of Perpetual Help has interceded for me and my family helping us out of every trying moment and divine testimony always manifests in my life each time I pray this novena. Lord Jesus, I am grateful 🙏 Chisom I barely started my novena and went for an exam which was supposedly meant to be difficult and all I could see were questions I was familiar with! It could only be momma interceding on my behalf🙏 Grateful to God and to HER❤️ Chineye I'm here to tell you that the Novena to Our Lady Of Perpetual Help works! I am perfectly healed from hyperthyroidism. If you need someone to talk to or someone who can join in your prayers, Just call this number: 09025024149. Uju As a group, part of our lenten programme for a day asked that we do a novena, so I opted for the Novena to our Lady of perpetual help asking for 5 things amongst which was for the success of a scholarship I applied for. Bibian I just want to say a big thank you to the mother of all mothers 🙏 I went to renew my passport and I took almost a year for it to be ready, when I called upon our mother she showed me a motherly love and it came out. I had an exams to write, 9days before the exams I called on my mother for help and she came through for me💃Mama I love you ❤️Thank you Mama🤗 Benny I started my novena to our mother of perpetual help and after I rounded up I became pregnant after months of trying our mother is really powerful. Uzoeto Eugene I am grateful to Our blessed Mother Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help for her miraculous intercession on my behalf before her son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. I was diagnosed of a very terrible bone infection through an X-ray result, but instead of having that as the real report of my medical condition, Mother Mary through her most efficacious intercession, directed the medical doctor to the very serious medical condition that has kept me in pains for months (Post Traumatic Arthritis). She in her love towards me, arrested the worsening of the medical condition and helped me in the swift medical response to my painful medical situation. If not for Mother Mary, I would have lost the effective function of my left foot. O Mother Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, you're truly my love, my Mother, my hope, my refuge and my life. Thank you Mother Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help. Bright ugbe My daughter was booked for a kidney surgery and the hospital kept on posting us and prolonging the time of her surgery. This went on for months. They finally embarked on a strike So I decided to invoke my mother of Perpetual Help to either give us funds to have the surgery privately or let the hospital’s strike be called off so we have the surgery. The strike was called off, but the hospital still didn’t do it and God provided us with the millions we needed to take her to a private hospital. She had the surgery and came out successfully. May God be praised forever. Thank you mama🙏 Sandra I want to thank my mother of perpetual help for answered prayers with faith. I believe and know that i am healed and my marriage is blessed and fruitful. Thank you mama for everything. I will return again with my evidence Amen Emma Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Ave Maria! I started Novena to our Mother of perpetual help on 01/05/20 in the middle of terrible affliction which even prevented me from sleeping day and night. The doctor had to administer sleeping pills to even help with some sleep. As the pills finished on the 5th day of the novena the problem persisted. On the 8th day of the novena Mother of perpetual help showed up & through her powerful intercession God took away the affliction completely, restored me to health of mind and body and gives his beloveth sleep. I promised to testify and I am doing it to the glory of God. Glory be to Jesus, honour be to Mary! Nnamdi Martin I started this novena of our mother perpetual help asking our mother to help me in my terminal illness, on the 8th day of the novena i feel healed lo and behold i dont experience it anymore. Am grateful to God, thankfully to Our Lady of Perpetual help. Sylvia My marriage was on the verge of collapse. I endured verbal, emotional, psychological and physical abuse from my husband. I had given up on my marriage and was separated from my husband and children.My sister in-law spoke to me about my mother of perpetual help and for the sake of my children I sought her mercy. I started the nine days novena asking God to transform him completely and to remove any negative influence from his life. I told her make my marriage like to that of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. And today, to the glory of God hubby came and apologized and am back to my home and my hubby is so much changed that his plan is to do only things that pleases ma and our children. I am so much grateful my dear mother of perpetual help for restoring love, joy, peace, trust, understanding and tolerance to my home. Stacie Thank you mother of perpetual help for making us found by our spouses (my sis and I), Mum continue please don't stop helping me through the journey and battle of life. Joy So many many many favors and blessings I have received from my mother. 1st in my pregnancy. 2nd in my daughter's health, 3rd my hubby's work place. I cant say it all. Please help me thank her so so so well. She is great and wonderful. Okpalaonwuka Veronica Onyinye I thank my mother for the prayers answered and I still believe She will grant more of my requests. May Her name be praised now and forever Amen!!! Naza I applied for change of degree in the university, as things went, I had no hope because my old department didn't release me, but after taking the novena, there came a ray of hope, I got released from my department, but in the course, the form sent to the department to accept me got misplaced, and I was not accepted to the new one, thereby released from the old one and not accepted into the new one, I took the novena a second time and the form was found, now I changed to the department of my choice, which was obviously only a miracle, I had no hope, nothing could be done, but our mother did something for me. Blessing I was introduced to this prayer by a friend that was 2014 after 2years of marriage without a child, my -inlaws had given my husband suggestion to impregnate another woman, I was devastated and my doctor too was tired cos no period no pregnancy and I started this prayer and told mama that I need twins boy and girl fro God to shun my enemies, just b4 I finished the prayer l was confirmed positive for twins. Mary Esther Thanking God for his blessings, mercy, health and Life and for blessing me with a son in Jesus mighty name. Amen. Jennifer This woman is just amazing! Within the 9 days, I have seen her great hands. Before now, I had lost all hopes. I stopped saying the novena and became tepid. I decided to go back to our Lady and she has shown me help at work and everywhere. I pray she blesses my family and save us from sicknesses and terminal diseases. Chiwendu Justin I prayed to our Mother of perpetual help for the manifestation of my blissful marriage and it has been. Thank you Mother for your intercession Winifred ezeh I prayed with the Novena of our Mother of perpetual help, for her intercession for me to get married and our mother interceded on my behalf.To the glory of God I got married to my hubby this 25-01-2020. Sochinelo MY MOTHER so loving and kind, always coming through her devotees. Ive always known about the Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help but I never prayed it. I submitted myself to her will when I was in a serious financial snag. My little girl missed an entire term because of this. It broke my heart and I went to her and I prayed the Novena and on the 4th day I think I got a call for a project. I didn't even stress for and got paid in full before even starting the project. I was ecstatic i broke down in tears and started praising her name. My girl is in school now with her mates. I vouched never to stray from her. She will always be MY MOTHER. I will forever consecrate to HER my whole being, my life and home without reserve. Chinoye Thanking our Mother of Perpetual help for her constant intercession, i have faith and believe that Mother Mary will answer all my prayers. Amen🙏🙏🙏 Anup Anthony Dear Mother of Perpetual Help, thank you for interceding. I have made the 9 days Novena to you asking for my business to grow and also financial needs to support the growth of the business. Thank you Mother for blessing me with these requests. THANK YOU Amanda This Novena prayer is beyond powerful I started the prayers 2yrs ago and I can't start telling the testimonies cos they 're alot financial promotions favour I say this Novena when I feel I'm loosing touch trust me it brings back that burning desire to always work in accordance to God's will and all of a sudden inner peace.... And she really is perpetual I'm helping I 've prayed for friends and they was testimony especially using devotive candles. Example I pray for financial help for my colleagues wedding and it was done... I pray for peace and love in my colleagues troubled marriage and it was restored.... I prayed for great sales at work and I got beyond my expectations with a promotion. Mama u 're too much this is just but a few 😉 Cecilia nwakaego muolee My mother opened my womb after years of suffering from acute fibroid, the novena was given to me by my dearest elder sister, and with faith I ask queen that if she can bless me with a baby boy that I will tell everyone around me of her motherly love n care,immediately after the novena I found out that am pregnant and lo n behold it was a baby boy!(2011)today am blessed with three(3) cure boys! Emmanuel Chimno Our mother of perpetual help is a powerful prayer. My brother who has been waiting for his Canadian visa for more than a year now, on the 8th day of my novena at midnight he received an invitation to Canada finally. This brought so much joy in my family. Our mother of perpetual help, thank you so much and I am still waiting for more miracles... Amen. Onyedika I am a medic, and so I had this patient who was bleeding. She had lost so much blood that she was in shock. We needed an access into her veins so we could give her blood, but her veins were mostly collapsed. I tried twice to secure an access, I failed. I left and called another colleague who also tried and couldn't get access. Then, I decided to try again and this time, I prayed silently, to our lady of perpetual help for assistance, as I advanced the cannula. And instantly, without stress, I secured a wide access with which we were able to deliver blood to this patient who could have easily bled to death in our very presence. May the virgin of Perpetual Help be loved, praised, invoked and eternally blessed! May she be our hope in our hopelessness! Amen. Akhidenor Philomena. I am a devotee of our lady. I asked for direction on my decision pertaining to my state of life. Am at the stage to get married and I wanted to know if it is God's will that I should accept the proposal before me.Before embarking on the novena which ended today, I was confused about my decision and indecision. During the fourth day of my novena, I was encouraged to pray about my decision by my confessor. He said say a novena prayer to our lady of perpetual help or to Sy Jude. Already I had embark on the novena to our lady of perpetual help. I started praying about my decision. On the midnight of the seventh day, I was restless, couldn't sleep, I had a dream that what I had was been taken away from me. I shouted no and woke up. I realised then what our lady was telling. And from that day forward my decision to be with the person has not changed and I started to realise certain things that I have not taken not of before in the person. This person in question is not a catholic but respect the fact that I request the intercession of our lady. Because I believe that our lady brought us together and will continue to sustain our relationship till the end. We are in the process of getting married. Continue to intercede for me and my future husband. Thank you. Okeke Chiamaka I started 9 days novena to our Mother of Perpetual help for a job i applied for. On the 6th day of the novena, that same institution called me. It is like a dream. I thank our Mother of Perpetual help. Enyinnah Henry Adiole My friend who is doing her master degree needed accommodation in the school hostel in University of Lagos Nigeria because she transports her self to school everyday with not less than #1300 everyday. Initially the school portal said that there's no more accommodation. I told her not to panic that holy mother of perpetual help will do it for us. We started the novena together though we are not residing in the same state, As God may have it, a professor took the case up and directed her to the person in charge of the hostel with a letter that she should provide an accommodation for her, On the 3rd day of the novena I asked her have you checked the accommodation portal she said yes, "I checked it but it's still saying the same thing, you can check by yourself since you have my details" then on the early hours of the sixth day I was checked it, Lo and behold, 'You have been assigned 1 space in Henry Carr Hall B, 022, follow the link and complete the process to claim it before 27th of June", immediately I called her she did not pick because it was around 2am midnight, I sent her a text. Immediately she woke up she called back and said she's confirmed it and we have not stopped thanking Holy mama for what she did for us oo. Our mother of perpetual help Pray for us. Edith Azere Ayoyi She is preparing a home for me any my family. Anonymous She saved me from deadly Spiritual affliction and attacks. Jane I want to thank Her for Her intercession and for saving me from untimely death. Okafor Onyinye Judith I learnt about this prayer in school. We usually pray the novena nine days to our exams and honestly it helped me a lot I put so much confidence in this prayer that I became d best among my mates and even graduated as d best student even though I had a little child at hand then.when I say this prayer,am usually filled with so much confidence that makes me believe I can succeed in anything and that I have nothing to fear and it has been working for me. SECONDLY: When I fell sick for months I said my novena continuously and prayed and hoped in God for divine healing.Today am a living testimony of God's love and the power of prayer.May All Glory and honour be unto your name God,I will continue to testify your goodness forever. Adesuwa I thank My Lady for interceding for me and my sisters for the blessings of GOD for our own spouses and homes. It’s done! Alleluia! I believe. Jane Frances I have known about this Novena for a very long time now, but I haven't been able to successfully complete it anytime I started it. Then one day a friend sent me the link to this website on August 13th, to start the Novena on Thursday 15th feast of Assumption. I had my Prayer points among which was financial blessings especially in my business which wasnt moving well for some time now. On the 3rd day of the Novena the whole diocese of my area went for our Lady's birthday at the National Shrine of Mother of perpetual help... and I was in attendance too. I prayed for her intervention in my life amongst other things. Few days later on the 5th day of the Novena i received favours from an unexpected quarter and since then things have been turning around for my good! I have been receiving favours all round unlike before things were tight for me but now I can see a lot of improvement. I attribute it to our Lady's intercession and I promise to continue to be her strong and faithful devotee. May God be praised through our Mother Mary! Mother of perpetual help! I love you! Anonymous I want to thank our mother of perpetual help for her special intercession..I thank you most pure, most holy and ever true mother for restoration of my health. I am healed, glory to GOD I AM HEALED!! Ehi Mama has been interceding for me and now I have been blessed by GOD with my own spouse, children and home. More than I could ever ask. Thank you Mama for helping fight all spiritual battles! I love you too much and always. Adesuwa Thanking GOD for answered prayers - healing on Mr Idoko, Mrs Blessing Odoh and one who was in coma. Also thanking GOD for a very happy, blissful and successful marriage this year. Anonymous I want to use this medium to say thank you my mother of perpetual help, on finishing my 9 days novena to her, I felt a divine growth in my genitals, may it be permanent in Jesus name, this mother has done a marvelous deed for me because I have lived with psychological trauma for several years but today she has wiped my shame. Gloria Somtoochukwu Aveeeeeeeeeeee Maria.... My sweet mother has done it again. My mother was diagnosed of hepatitis and other infections and was placed on treatment. I started a novena on her behalf; guess what, before I finished my nine days novena to our mother of perpetual help, my mom was healed miraculous. Now the lab test didn't see any infirmity again ooo. No sickness again o.
Blessing I Before now I was strongly addicted to porn and masturbation. The masturbation started when I was still very young even before clocked 12 (or thereabouts) and these (porn and masturbation) continued till before my 26th birthday which was October (29 October 2022). Joseph I had nine days novena to Ours Lady for the successful traditional marital rite, it was a huge success with no issues. Thank u Mother of love. Raphael Just completed a novena to mother perpetual help with my sister concerning our family progress and liberation. Here to thank her in faith for answers to our prayers especially concerning revelations she gave my sister concerning construction of two storey building in our village. I know it is fulfilled. David Amechi I want to thank God and our Mother of Perpetual help for granting me success in an exam I wrote. I made some mistakes during the exam but thereafter, started a novena to our Mother of Perpetual help seeking for Divine help. When results came out, I performed better than expected. Thank you Our Mother of Perpetual help. Paulina I prayed the novena together with my very good sister, a Carmelite nun in Nigeria when I was preparing for my promotion, and through the intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, I have been promoted. Words cannot express how thankful i am. Our Lady has never let me down anytime I call on her. Emmanuel Akpabonam I started the Novena as a result of the revelation my Aunty got. I was promoted to Vice general manager in my company on the 7th day. Thank you Our mother of perpetual help. Maria Christine I prayed to Mother Mary to remove blockages in getting visa for France. Even though I am an unemployed single woman, I was offered a visa to go to France. Ave Maria! Madeleine Chinyere Ogomaka I prayed this novena committing my service year in the hands of our Lady of perpetual help.
Kachii I have been receiving unmerited favours from this novena. It works wonders. All my needs and exams were all cleared through this novena. Gloria Mummy did another miraculous thing for me, my sis was due to deliver, she was in labour for weeks, unknowingly the enemy has tied the baby with cord. She was seriously in labour but the baby could not come out, the doctor declared emergency operation that the baby is already dying inside the womb. I called on our mother of perpetual help and she interceded for her, she was almost dead but God through the intercession of our Mother, granted her a successful operation of both child delivery and fibroid. May your name be praised for forever, Our Mother of perpetual help 🙏 Somtochukwu Mother of perpetual help has come through for me and my family, on the 1st of July 2022, I received a message from the schools of nursing I wrote their entrance exams, thank u mother of perpetual help and my God Dr. Juliet Okibayi Hassana Muoneme I want to thank Mother of Perpetual Help for the Wealth opportunity she is about to create for me. Sommy All of my prayer requests got answered during my prayers. VERONICA DANIEL When I started this Novena of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, I was having serious pains on my right hand side. On the 6th day of the Novena I asked Our Mother for intercession and she did it for me. I'm now healed. Mary must be honour in lives every day!!! Ezembaji Chinwendu My brothers and sisters thank God for me and bless our Lady of Perpetual help for me, Ending of April 2022, my ulcer sparked to it's peak that I couldn't eat anything without crying because of pain in my stomach. At the beginning of May I decided to cry to our Lady of Perpetual help and took it to prayer which I started the novena, just after the 2nd day of the novena my ulcer was healed. I pray for the healing to be permanent in Jesus name amen. May our Lady of Perpetual help be praised now and forever. Amen. Ezedimma Henrietta Ngozi My son was denied USA Visa, Maryann I come in faith to say I have received my marital settlement and God-given spouse through our lady of perpetual help amen may thank you in advance dear mother. Clement Pat Ameh I just concluded my novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help, praying for open doors and against the spirit of death- a dreadful feelings that torment me at midnight, as recommended by a priest. Even though I missed the 7th day and I had to pray it together on the 8th day, I’ve started seeing changes in my situation in the past few hours. I look forward to her for total answer and I thank our lady for so quick a reply. Madeleine Chinyere Ogomaka I was having problems in school with a lecturer, I had an issue in his course, I started this novena, I prayed for two years, beginning of every month, Our lady did a perfect work. I have started again today for my NYSC posting, I want to be posted in a good state, I don't want to pay anyone to work it, just want our lady to do her thing again. Our lady of perpetual help!!! Pray for us!!! Yvonne Ngequih Verla I am overwhelmed with joy for what Our Lady of Perpetual help did for me. I have been working on my thesis for a long time with the accord of my supervisors. Just when they had asked us to submit, my co-supervisor found my work confusing. I was so frustrated and devastated because my main supervisor, whose opinion of the work was final, had not had time to go through the work for months. The deadline for submission was drawing close and I did not know what to do. In desperation, I decided to begin a novena, I wasn't sure of which novena to do, so I did a search and came across the novena of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. I started it immediately asking her to direct me in my thesis and that my main supervisor should find time to read my work and give a positive feedback. On the sixth day I received a mail from my main supervisor who after reading the work did corrections and confirmed it as very good. My brain got blank for a while before I started singing with joy. That same day in the evening, my daughter age 5, suddenly burst out singing, Mama Maria full of grace, Mama Maria full of grace....... I joined her in her singing with tears rolling down my cheeks. I am not done with my thesis yet but I am confident that our Lady of Perpetual help will see me through! Pelumi At this point, I'm barely 4 days into the novena. I used to be a devotee in the university but for some reason, found myself slacking. I got a call from my grandma on a Saturday morning to start the novena. Unsure which novena, I asked and she answered "Mother of perpetual help". It was perfect because I thought 9 days novena starting on the 11th; I'll end on 20th, great!
I started the novena and during the mediate and ask phase, I'll take a walk while I mediate or simple do another not so engaging activity while I meditate. I have particular requests, so after mediating, I asked. Somtochukwu Thank u mother of perpetual help, I started this novena, first day of December, praying and hoping for successful induction/graduation of my twin brother, Kenechukwu from the medical school, on the 7th of December, my twin brother was successfully and fully inducted into the profession, thank u lord, thank you mother Mary, hopefully more testimonies are on the way for my family and myself. Susan I thank Mary Mother of perpetual help for her intercession love and Mercy. Martin Ndung'u My brother went to work since Tuesday 30/11/21. Last talked with the wife was Wednesday 1/12/21. So by Tuesday she had not heard from him. She called me and narrated the story. I told her to trust in our lady of perpetual help. Cynthia I started this novena and was blessed with a huge sum of money which i used to boost my dying business. I was in a great need for money to uplift my business and after the first day of asking our Lady of Perpetual Help for assistance, she proved that indeed she was my mother of perpetual help. Thank you Ma. Chizzy Thank you my mother of perpetual help for coming to my family aid, my you my mother be praised, love and bless, for you are my Mother, my hope, my refuge and my strength amen. Anonymous I want to thank Our Mother of Perpetual Help for her intercession in getting a visa. Thank you mama Nne Jesu Kristi! Chukwuebuka My 10 year old nephew woke up from sleep one morning and couldn’t walk. He was taken to a clinic and all checks ran. Came out negative. The doctors couldn't diagnose what was wrong as his result proved he was perfectly Okay. I started the novena to our lady of perpetual help believing that through her intercession my nephew Chizitelu would rise and walk. On the 9th day of the novena Our Lady of Perpetual Help came through for us through the Holy Ghost Adoration Ministry. Thank you dear Mother you are simply amazing. I have fufilled my promise to testify on this platform and I will be back to share the remaining testimonies as they unfold. Esther I finished the Novena on Friday and on Monday I was delivered of a big bouncing baby boy!!! Do not underestimate the power of the intercession of our lady. May our lady of perpetual help be loved, praised, honored. May she be my love, my life and my all! Ifeoma Am so so happy to be a daughter of our lady. This novena librated me and my family from a problem that is only a Mother can solve, Just to say THANK MOM,I love you and will continue to love you MA.
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ICON OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELPThe miraculous image of the Mother of God, under the title of perpetual help, was venerated as early as the 15th century on the isle of crete. At that time, a pious merchant from that island found himself obliged, by the invasion of the Turks, to abandon his native land. Fearing that the sacred image would fall into the hands of the impious persecutors of the Catholic religion, he took it with him to preserve it from sacrilegious profanations. After a dangerous voyage, during which Our Lady of Perpetual Help preserved the ship that was carrying Her holy image from inevitable shipwreck, the devout merchant arrived in rome, where he died a few days later, in the home of a friend. Before dying he delivered that precious image to his friend, begging him to offer it for public veneration in one of the churches of rome. But his friend, held back by human considerations, did not fulfill the sacred charge and kept the holy image in his power. The blessed virgin appeared to him three times, ordering him to expose her image for veneration of the faithful in some church in Rome, and as many times that imprudent man refused Her. After a new apparition of Our Lady, accompanied by tremendous threats, that unfaithful trustee feel sick and died. The widow of this unhappy man persisted in keeping the precious picture in her home. Several admonitions where necessary to convince her to fulfill the divine will. Our Lady appeared twice to a little daughter, just a few years old, of that lady, and commanded her to tell her mother that the virgin of perpetual help wanted her image to be publicly honoured in a church situated on the esquline hill. The church indicated by the virgin was that of st matthew, which was in the care of the Augustinian fathers. This time the order of the Mother of God was carried out. The image of our Lady of Perpetual Help was venerated in st matthews church for the period of 300 years. On 23 June 1867, Pope Pius IX granted the image its Canonical Coronation along with its present title. The Redemptorist Congregation of priests and brothers are the religious order currently entrusted by the Holy See to protect and propagate the religious work of art. The feast day of the image is celebrated on June 27
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