Novena To The Holy Angels
Come, let us worship the Lord in the company of his angels.
Reading (Ex 23:20-21a)
See, I am sending an angel before you
to guard you on the way
and bring you to the place I have prepared.
Let us entreat the Lord that,
with the angels who do His will,
we may respond more promptly to the sense of His message:
R. With the angels we sing of Your glory.
Lord, You made Your angels messengers of Your wonders;
fashion us into heralds of Your mighty deeds before all.
R. With the angels we sing of Your glory.
The angels ceaselessly proclaim Your holiness;
fashion Your Church into a worthy voice for Your praise.
R. With the angels we sing of Your glory.
You commanded the angels to protect Your servants;
may they be with us in all our endeavors.
R. With the angels we sing of Your glory.
Through the agency of the angels
may all our petitions rise to You.
R. With the angels we sing of Your glory.
May the angels help us in our final hour
and lead us to the land of paradise.
R. With the angels we sing of Your glory.
Father with great wisdom You direct the ministry
both of Angels and human beings.
Grant that those who always minister to You in heaven
may also defend us during our life on earth.
We ask this in the Name of Jesus the Lord.