Novena To St Teresa Of The Child Jesus
Saint Therese,
who in your short life attained to angelic purity,
generous love, and wholehearted purity,
and wholehearted surrender to Almighty God,
pray for us who trust in you.
You have received the reward of your virtues;
obtain for us the grace to be pure of heart
and to avoid whatever may tarnish any virtue pleasing to God.
May we know in every need the power of your prayer for us.
Comfort us in the sorrows of this life
and especially at its end,
that we be worthy to share your happiness in Heaven.
Pray for us, blessed Therese.
That we may beworthy of
the promises of Christ.
O Lord Who has said:
"Unless you become as little children,
you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven,"
grant us, we implore you,
to walk int he footsteps of Saint Therese.
Intention for the FIRST DAY - Faith
Almighty God and Creator of all things,
to overcome lukewarmness and inflame souls with Your love,
you have enriched the soul of Your Little Flower
with such firm faith that she longed to give her life for You.
I ask You, by the merits of her lively faith,
to infuse in me a like faith.
Grant that I may believe all the truths
taught by the Catholic Church
and practice until death all virtues.
Say 1 Our Father...
Say 1 Hail Mary...
Say 1 Glory Be...
Intention for the SECOND DAY - Hope
Almighty God, You Who are glorified in Your saints,
grant me the gift of hope as was evident in the life of Saint Therese,
that I may believe firmly in Your words:
Whatever you ask in My Name shall be given to you."
As Saint Therese turned away from the vanities of this world
and consecrated herself to You with complete confidence,
may I also turn from those vanities and seek You alone,
my love and my all.
Say 1 Our Father...
Say 1 Hail Mary...
Say 1 Glory Be...
Intention for the THIRD DAY - Love
My Jesus, grant that I may love You as much as Saint Therese,
Your Little Flower,
and say with her:
"My Jesus, I beg You only for Your love,
without limits and without bounds.
Grant, my Jesus that I may love you with the strength of a martyr.
I wish to love You as You have never been loved."
And you, Saint Therese,
help me to be ever grateful to Him
Who loves me so much.
Say 1 Our Father...
Say 1 Hail Mary...
Say 1 Glory Be...
Intention for the FOURTH DAY - Submission
My Lord and my God,
You always will what is best for me.
As Your Little Flower consecrated herself to You
to endure all sufferings and pain,
may I accept with perfect resignation and even cheerfulness
all the hardships that come to me in life,
that I may be able to say,
as did Your beloved spouse:
"Jesus, I offer my hardships to You in the name of Your love."
Say 1 Our Father...
Say 1 Hail Mary...
Say 1 Glory Be...
Intention for the FIFTH DAY - Patience
My Lord, Innocence Itself,
You endured all forms of shameful treatment for love of me.
Give me the humility, self-denial,
and patience to imitate Your spouse,
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus,
and say with all my heart:
My despised Jesus, grant me,
by the merits of Your humility and patience,
to bear with a a calm spirit all the sufferings of this life,
and then to enjoy Your company with Your spouse,
the Little Flower.
Say 1 Our Father...
Say 1 Hail Mary...
Say 1 Glory Be...
Intention for the SIXTH DAY - Simplicity
My sweet Jesus,
give me the charity and simplicity of Saint Therese.
She said her mission in Heaven
would be to make others love God as she loved Him,
and to teach others to seek and find God
in the little things in life.
Grant that I may not rest until I love God
with all my strength
and with the childlike simplicity of the Little Flower.
Say 1 Our Father...
Say 1 Hail Mary...
Say 1 Glory Be...
Intention for the SEVENTH DAY - Humility
My Jesus, give me the grace to practice virtue in little things.
It is sometimes difficult,
but I trust in Your goodness,
and Your love for humble persons.
I am too weak to climb the ladder of perfection alone,
but I know that I shall obtain from You the help I hope for.
I join the Little Flower in asking You for this blessing.
Say 1 Our Father...
Say 1 Hail Mary...
Say 1 Glory Be...
Intention for the EIGHTH DAY - Doing for Others
My God and my Love,
give me on earth the same mission You gave Your Little Flower in Heaven,
of spending my life doing good to my neighbor.
My Jesus, help me to console all men
and encourage them to love You.
Make all love You
as Your Immaculate Mother,
Your foster father, Saint Joseph,
Your holy angels,
and Saint Therese love you.
Allow me to pray with her:
"Let Your divine glance rest upon a vast number of little souls,
worthy of Your love."
Say 1 Our Father...
Say 1 Hail Mary...
Say 1 Glory Be...
Intention for the NINTH DAY - Happy Death
My dear Lord,
grant me the same childlike love for Your foster father
and Your holy and immaculate Mother as Saint Therese had.
And you, Saint Therese,
ask my great protector and father, Saint Joseph,
and my holy Mother, Mary,
to obtain for me the grace of dying the friendship of Jesus,
and expressing in your own words:
"My God, I love You."
Say 1 Our Father...
Say 1 Hail Mary...
Say 1 Glory Be...
[Source: The Josephites, Very Rev. Matthew J. O'Rourke, SSJ, Superior General, Nihil Obstat: Msgr.
Carroll E. Satterfield, Censor Librorum Imprimatur: His Eminence Lawrence Cardinal Shehan, Archbishop of Baltimore.]