Novena To St Catherine Of Siena
O marvelous wonder of the Church,
seraphic virgin, Saint Catharine,
because of your extraordinary virtue
and the immense good
which you accomplished for the Church and society,
you are acclaimed and blessed by all people.
Oh, turn your benign countenance to me who,
confident of your powerful patronage,
calls upon you with all the ardor of affection
and begs you to obtain,
by your prayer,
the favors I so ardently desire.
You, who were a victim of charity,
who in order to benefits your neighbor
obtained from God the most stupendous miracles
and became the joy and the hope of all,
you cannot help but hear the prayers
of those who fly into your heart,
that heart which you received
from the Divine Redeemer in a celestial ecstasy.
Yes, O seraphic virgin,
demonstrate once again proof of you power
and of your flaming charity,
so that your name will be ever more blessed and exalted;
grant that we,
having experienced your most efficacious
intercession here on earth,
may come one day to thank you in heaven
and enjoy eternal happiness with you.