Novena To St Anthony Of Padua

opening Prayer
Most lovable St. Anthony,
we honor you as God's servant
for your fidelity and perseverance in His service.
May we always be assisted by your merits and intercession
in following your example.
Chaplet of Saint Anthony
The Chaplet consists of a medal of St. Anthony and the Child Jesus, followed by 13 sets of 3 beads each. Each set of three beads
First bead, recite 1 "Our Father..."
Second bead, recite 1 Hail Mary...
Third bead, recite 1 Glory Be....
At the end of the 13 sets of 3 beads, you say the Miraculous Repository by Saint Bonaventure
If miracles thou fain would see,
Lo, error, death, calamity.
The leprous stain, the demon flies,
From beds of pain the sick arise.
(The hungry seas forego their prey,
The prisoner's cruel chains give way;
While palsied limbs and chattels lost
Both young and old recovered boast.)
And perils perish, plenty's hoard,
Is heaped on hunger's famished board;
Let those relate who know it well,
Let Padua on her patron tell.
(The hungry seas forego their prey,
The prisoner's cruel chains give way;
While palsied limbs and chattels lost
Both young and old recovered boast.)
Glory Be....
(The hungry seas forego their prey,
The prisoner's cruel chains give way;
While palsied limbs and chattels lost
Both young and old recovered boast.)
V- Pray for us, blessed Anthony;
R - That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
O God,
let the votive commendation of Blessed Anthony,
Thy Confessor,
be a source of joy to Thy Church,
that she may always be fortified
with spiritual assistance,
and may deserve to possess eternal joy.
Through Christ our Lord.
Lord have mercy on us All:
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ hear us Christ graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son Redeemer of the world,
Have Mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity One God,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary,
Pray for us.
Holy Mother of God,
Pray for us.
Holy Virgin of Virgins,
Pray for us.
St Joseph, spouse of Mary,
Pray for us.
St Francis, Patriarch of the poor,
Pray for us.
St Anthony of Padua,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, friend of Jesus and Mary,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, apostolic man,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, filled with the Spirit of prophecy,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, sublime doctor of truth,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, ornament of the seraphic order,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, light of Holy Church,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, preacher of grace,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, trumpet of Gospel,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, mirror of regular observance,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, cultivator of a mortified life,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, medal of abstinence,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, example of obedience,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, lover of poverty,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, lily of chastity,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, rose of patience,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, brilliant gem of sanctity,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, violet of humility,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, hammer of heresy,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, fervent in zeal for Divine worship,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, thirsting for the salvation of souls,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, Martyr in desire,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, lover and assiduous imitator of the Redeemer,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, devout client of the Virgin,
Pray for us.
Mother of God,
Pray for us.
St Anthony, emulator of the seraphic Francis,
Pray for us.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
Spare us O Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us O Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
O glorious St Anthony,
I choose you for my special patron this day
and all the days of my life.
Design to place me amoung your chosen servants.
During your whole life you were distinguished
for your singular love for Mary
and your Ardent zeal for Her prerogative.
Pray for me that I too may be animated
with a genuine love
and devotion to our Immaculate Mother.
And you, who's intimate love for Jesus
merited for you the privilage of beholding
and carressing Him in His tender infant form,
plead with Him,
that I may be truly One with Jesus in time
and in eternity.
1st Day
V. O God, come to my assistance;
R. Make haste, Lord to help me.
St. Anthony, great wonder-worker,
God has honored you abundantly
by granting many miracles through your intercession.
In your goodness,
kindly come to my aid now,
and hear my request.
2nd Day
V. Hear me, O God, and have pity on me;
R. O Lord, be my helper.
Lovable St. Anthony,
I come to you with complete confidence
in your favor before God who heeds your pleas for those in need.
Forget me not in your place of heavenly glory,
and intercede for me.
3rd Day
V. Be not far from me, O Lord;
R. Awake, and be vigilant, O God, in my defense.
Glorious St. Anthony,
I acknowledge my weakness and my many sins against the Almighty.
Despite my unworthiness,
please assist me in my pressing necessity.
In your kindness, plead my cause.
4th Day
V. Make your ways known to me, O Lord;
R. Teach me your paths.
Zealous St. Anthony,
help me now to appreciate God's purpose in my life,
and be my powerful patron in granting my intention.
You will, I am sure,
beg God's mercy for me in my difficulties.
5th Day
V. Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord;
R. Lord, hear my voice.
Most chaste St. Anthony,
by your love for Christ and His Church
I implore your aid in my anxiety,
and ask your prompt response.
You show the power of God's saints by your ready aid to His people.
6th Day
V. My help is in the name of the Lord;
R. Who made heaven and earth.
Most humble St. Anthony,
your dedication to poverty has enriched the Church
with countless favors and blessings.
I beg your assistance in my behalf
so I may be enriched by honoring your example.
7th Day
V. All that the Lord wills He does;
R. In heaven and on earth.
O good St. Anthony,
you comfort those like me who sorrow.
Be with me as I give solace to others in imitation of you.
Forget not my need in my difficulty,
and entreat our God for me.
8th Day
V.The Lord defends His people;
R. He is merciful to His servants.
Blessed St. Anthony,
in your life you were a model of perfection
who worked wonders for those afflicted.
From your place in heaven,
come now to my aid,
and beg from God the answer to my petition.
9th Day
V. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good;
R. His mercy endures forever.
Faithful St. Anthony,
my heart overflows with gratitude.
I know your power with God is great,
and that you will obtain for me my heart's desire.
Help me now, I beg you,
to serve God as faithfully as you did.
V. St. Anthony whom the infant Jesus so much loved and honored.
R. Grant us what we ask of you.
Closing Prayer
O God, may it always be a source of joy to Your Church
that we honor the memory of St. Anthony,
Your Confessor and Doctor.
May his spiritual help make us strong,
and his assistance help us gain an everlasting reward.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.