Novena To Our Lady Of The Rosary
The Fatima Novena Prayer to Our Lady of the Rosary
Immaculate Heart of Mary, my Mother.
I come to you this day as a little child in prayer.
I beg to make this offering of my heart as simple and childlike as I can.
The three little ones of Fatima have taught us
what pleases your maternal heart.
I earnestly desire that all the people of the world
be brought back to a humble knowledge and love of the Sacred Heart of your dear Son.
I pray, dear Mother of my God
that the indescribable beauty and the glow-white purity of your own Immaculate Heart
may so captivate our souls that we will detest all sin
and dedicate our lives to the honor and glory of the God who created us.
As much as I feel the need of many things,
I do not dare in this novena Mother Mary
to ask one selfish petition for myself.
You revealed the secrets of your own sad heart at Fatima
and begged for the restoration of the world to God.
What can I ask of greater good
than to unite my heart to yours in this great yearning.
What can I add but the fervent prayer
that all the world may listen to your pleading.
I give my heart to you,
my heavenly Queen and in utmost confidence
I leave to you the choice of what is best for me
in answer to my prayer of love and reparation.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima,
I give you my heart.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima,
I put my trust entirely in you.
Immaculate Heart of the Mother of my God we implore,
through your powerful intercession,
the conversion of the hearts of men,
complete victory over sin,
and the return of peace which you have promised.
Prayer To Our Lady Of Fatima
Queen of the Holy Rosary,
Sweet Lady of Fatima,
who has deigned to appear in the land of Portugal
and hast restored peace at home and abroad to this country once in turmoil,
we beseech thee, look graciously upon our dear land,
and by thy power raise it from the depths to which it has fallen,
and re-establish it in spiritual and moral strength.
Bring back peace, also,
to all the peoples of the earth,
so that all nations, especially our own,
may rejoice to hail thee as their Queen,
and as the Queen of Peace.
Our Lady of the Rosary,
pray for our country.
Our Lady of Fatima,
obtain for humanity a lasting peace.
Sweet Heart of Jesus,
be my love.
Sweet Heart of Mary,
be my salvation.
Prayers For Each Day Of The Novena
Each day, we will pray for one of the things that our Lady revealed as objects
of interest or necessity in the restoration of human society.
O Mary Immaculate, Mother of the Sacred Heart,
I beg the grace to grieve with sincere heart
for the sins that weigh upon the souls of men.
With vivid memory I now recall the sharp spikes,
the crown of thorns,
the cruel lash that brought about His agony.
Yet they were but the lifeless instruments of pain.
It was my sins that really shed the Precious Blood.
He willed through an excess of love to suffer all for my salvation.
Can I do anything but lend the little love I have
to make amends for the thoughtless world that lacks appreciation.
O Mother of the Sorrowful Passion,
you shared with Him, each pain our sins inflicted.
Beg for us the privileged grace that we may unite our hearts with yours
in an honest effort to pay up for the double insult
we have dealt by the malice of deliberate sin.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima,
inflame our hearts with love.
(Prayer at the top.)
O Mother Immaculate, Queen of the Rosary,
we must learn to love those little beads.
In every trial and sorrow
they have always been a consolation to all who trust in you.
Our joyful days are happier
when you can share the things that cause delight.
May your Rosary, O Mary my Mother,
always be for me my strength in weakness,
my peace in affliction,
my comfort in day of doubt,
my courage in time of trial,
the consolation of all my days through all my life.
May it be the steadying influence that I need
when I find success and the support of my soul
when failure marks my efforts.
In all things, with childlike trust may I live my life,
in peaceful union with your own,
through the happy medium of the rosary.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima,
may true devotion to your Rosary quickly spread throughout the world.
(Prayer at the top.)
O Mary Immaculate, great Mediatrix of all men,
please bring to quick fulfillment the promise
and the hope your spoke at Fatima.
Our dear ones died and
our loved ones languished in the horrible hardships
that had come upon a world at war.
It is the deepest desire of your Immaculate Heart
that we know the things that are for our peace.
You have told us, Mother Mary,
what you wish, reparation,
the Rosary and repentance for our sinful deeds.
We beg that we may give heed to your wistful pleadings
and by the example of our zealous lives,
point out the path that all must take
to the goal of world-wide harmony.
Bless the fortunate land of Portugal,
chosen to welcome you as our earthly guest.
Inspire our own people and our leaders
that we may humbly recognize, receive,
ponder and promote the glorious cause
that your message clearly revealed in Fatima.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima,
dispel the hatred in the hearts of men,
and grant us in its stead,
the gift of universal charity.
(Prayer at the top.)
O Mary Immaculate, Mother of gentle love,
hasten the day of deliverance
for the poor suffering souls in Purgatory.
We obey your request to pray for them
and beg the solace of relief,
especially for the most abandoned souls.
Sweet Mother of a merciful Son,
lessen the toll that must be taken.
Accept our humble sacrifices,
our much distracted prayers,
our small efforts at reparation.
Draw from the inexhaustible treasury of the undying Church,
the payment for the punishment that is due.
I pray that through the merits of your suffering Son,
your own precious spiritual treasures and those of the saints,
that God, our Father,
may be mindful of the prayers
we make for those poor souls
who can no longer help themselves.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima,
relieve the poor suffering souls in Purgatory,
especially those who have no one to pray for them.
(Prayer at the top.)
O Mary Immaculate, Merciful Mother,
it is sad that you must remind us of the pains of hell.
The vision that you gave the little ones
was really meant for us.
Spare us from the Judgment that proclaims eternal loss.
Stir up in our hearts so strong and lively a Faith,
that we may keenly realize the meaning of this awesome,
this undeniable truth.
We know from the teaching of His Holy Writ,
that the malice of sin will be justly met by an everlasting punishment.
I believe in the Infinite Justice of the one true God.
I believe in the Infinite Love of the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit.
I beg the grace that I may so live my life that I may be worthy,
through the merits of Jesus Christ,
to enjoy the reward of His all-merciful Heart.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima,
impress upon our minds the reality of the flames of hell
and deliver us from their burning touch.
(Prayer at the top.)
O Immaculate Mother, Queen of the angels,
Guardian of man,
have pity on those who fall prey to the allurements of impurity.
Strengthen us in our weakness.
Give courage in the conflict.
Purify our strong desires of sincere repentance.
We have heard your heartfelt plea
for a renewal of the noble ideals of holy purity.
O Mother of the Immaculate Heart,
I pledge to you this day,
my heart, my mind, my lips, my whole being, entire, complete.
I give my hand in solemn word that with your help and in your love,
I shall be firm in my holy resolve
to serve you with unswerving fidelity.
I ask a special grace.
Grant me the prudent courage
to resist the first whisperings of temptation
and to shun whatever has been a source of sin to me.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima,
make me and keep me pure of heart.
(Prayer at the top.)
O Mary Immaculate, Refuge of Sinners,
to whom will we go if not to you, our loving Mother?
Where will we find comfort,
and the solace that we need,
in shame of sin, except with you?
Draw us gently back, dear Mother of Love,
to the quiet path that leads to the haven of the Sacred Heart.
I have sinned often, Mother Mary.
I have sinned with scarce a thought of heaven,
hell or the love you have heaped upon me.
The memory of my misdeeds disturbs my thoughts.
But that is over now.
I know that in my trust of your protecting care,
I shall find peace and hope,
and pardon for those sins.
Like Magdalene, Augustine and a million more,
I feel confident of the welcome of His warming smile,
for you are interceding for me.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima,
I thank you with all my heart
for your constant intercession.
(Prayer at the top.)
O Immaculate Mary, Queen of all nations,
our fears grow less and our spirits rise,
because of your calm assurance of protection.
How could we have known that the menace of atheism,
and the threat of godless Communism,
would be averted?
Your promise of conversion for the harassed victims of this tyranny,
gives hope and joy and confident relief
to all the nations of the world.
Our hearts go out to the homeless waifs,
the persecuted people that the Communist terror raised up
in that war-weary land.
Grant that the gratitude we feel
may be expressed in worthy deeds not empty words.
We fail our part, by your own words,
unless we spread in every place,
devotion to your Immaculate Heart in sincere,
active reparation.
O Mary, Mother of the Prince of Peace,
we promise with our prayers at least,
to play our part.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima,
may the reign of Christ reach out
to all the nations of the world.
(Prayer at the top.)
O Mary Immaculate,
Mother of the Babe of Bethlehem,
light in our poor dull hearts,
a tiny spark of the spirit of childlike innocence.
Three tiny ones in Fatima drew from our loving Lord,
the favor of your saving presence here on earth.
How often you have shown your great regard
for the sinlessness of youth!
Can we show you, Mother Mary, that we really understand,
in any better way than by a fervent prayer
for all the little children everywhere?
Keep them, O sinless Mother, in their happy innocence.
Protect their homes.
Preserve the schools wherein they learn,
and let them not be harmed by godless teaching.
Direct their play and little chores
that they may grow in wisdom, age and grace.
Inspire their parents everywhere with a Godly fear and love of His Commandments.
Grant that through the prayers of little ones,
we may soon enjoy the peace and unity that you have foretold.
May the Blessed Trinity hasten the day
when the world will be restored in thought and word and deed,
through the name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son,
and to the honor of thine own great Immaculate Heart.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima,
we beg to share in the triumph of thy Immaculate Heart throughout the world.
(Prayer at the top.)