Powerful Novena To Jesus In The Most Holy Eucharist
Begins: November 3rd.
Say the prayers below everyday for nine days.
If you are not in the state of grace and can't receive communion, please go for confession before you begin this Novena
Please Note: You are to say all the prayers in a Chapel or before a Tabernacle. If there is no Chapel or Tabernacle in your parish or near you, kindly click on the red button below.
Click Here For Online Eucharistic Exposition
1. Say the Divine Mercy Chaplet before the Blessed Sacrament. (Mention your intention)
2. Recite the Holy Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament
(Mention your intention again)
3. Daily Prayer to Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist
Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist, I thank You for the gift of Your most precious Body and Blood present in the form of bread and wine. This precious and priceless food You have made available, out of Your abundant and deep love for me. I thank You once more for the gift of Your most precious Body and Blood, available to quench my eternal hunger and thirst.
Lord Jesus Christ, I acknowledge your real and full presence in the Most Holy Eucharist. I worship and adore You my God and my king in the Most Holy Eucharist. (For 5 minutes, worship and praise the Eucharist Jesus with all your heart)
Lord Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist, help me to have great and deep longing, respect and reverence for You. I pray with all my heart that all men will come to respect, worship and adore You in the Holy Eucharist. I pray for a change of heart and a deep conversion of all those who despise, reject, mock and refuse to believe and appreciate your presence in the Holy Eucharist. Lord Jesus Christ, I apologize for all the times I have received Your Body and Blood in a sinful state without considering the great pains I cause You. I console You for the countless abuses and desecrations done to your Precious Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist in various ways and forms. Lord Jesus, I console Your wounded heart present in the Holy Eucharist with all sincerity and love, and I beg You to forgive my sins and those of the world which we have committed and are still grievously committing against You. Forgive me for the times I have been at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass without receiving You, or seeing the need or making efforts to receive you in the Holy Eucharist. Give me the grace to love you more and more and to be devoted to you in the Most Holy Eucharist. Plant oh lord Jesus Christ a deep longing for you in my heart and soul, and let me always find my rest in you.
Lord Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, I consecrate my body, soul and spirit to you without reserving or withholding them. In the same way You gave Yourself freely in the Holy Eucharist, I give you myself and everything that has to do with me; my entire will, pleasures, ambitions, plans, marriage, family, work, wealth, children, destiny and all my life. Please accept my offering to you this day and seal it with the powerful sacrifice of Your most precious Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist. May I live for you alone from today henceforth and may I seek only your will, glory and happiness in all that I do. Amen.
(Mention all your intentions here for the last time)
4. Pray and intercede for the Admin of Mary Our Help, for God's divine protection from all powers of hell, and for Mary Our Help Prayer Group.
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