Novena In Honour Of The Name Of Jesus
O merciful Jesus!
Who didst in Thine early infancy
commence Thine office of Saviour,
by shedding Thy precious Blood,
and assuming for us that Name which is above all names;
we thank Thee for such early proofs of Thine infinite love;
we venerate Thy sacred Name,
in union with the profound respect of the Angel
who first announced it to the earth,
and unite our affections to the sentiments of tender devotion
which the adorable Name of Jesus has in all ages
enkindled in the hearts of Thy servants.
Animated with a firm faith in Thine unerring word,
and penetrated with confidence in Thy mercy,
we now most humbly remind Thee of the promise Thou hast made,
that when two or three should assemble in Thy Name,
Thou Thyself wouldst be in the midst of them.
Come, then, into the midst of us,
most amiable Jesus!
for it is in Thy Sacred Name we are here assembled.
Come into our hearts,
that Thy Holy Spirit may pray in and by us;
and mercifully grant us,
through that adorable Name,
which is the joy of heaven,
the terror of hell,
the consolation of the afflicted,
and the solid ground of our unlimited confidence,
all the petitions we make in this Novena.
O Blessed Mother of our Redeemer;
who didst participate so deeply
in the sufferings of thy dear Son,
when He shed His sacred Blood,
and assumed for us the Name of Jesus;
obtain for us through that adorable Name,
the favours we petition in this Novena.
Beg, also, that the most ardent love
may imprint on our hearts that sacred Name,
that it may be always in our minds,
and frequently on our lips;
that it may be our defence in temptations,
and our refuge in danger,
during our lives,
and our consolation and support
in the hour of death.
To this may be added the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.