Novena For Conversion From Contraception
[A novena of conversion for those who use or promote contraception.]
Heavenly Father,
“from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name,” (Eph 3:15)
grant conversion of heart to our world,
our society, our families
and especially to our own hearts regarding the sin of contraception.
We believe, beyond a doubt,
what the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church
teaches about this moral evil,
and we wish to be a light to the nations
to make the truth known wherever this evil practice and ideology has taken root.
Call us to be faithful to your command to “Be fruitful and multiply!”
so that we may advance the civilization of life and love
that you wish to create for the human family.
Bring to conversion those who, in public or private,
lead others into the sin of contraception
and who erroneously teach that it prevents abortion.
Help us all to be purified of the lies and distortions
of the culture of death by obedience to the truth
and bring us all to the fullness of truth
through the guidance of your Church.
We ask this through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary,
in whose fertile womb your Blessed Son found his home on earth.