Day Two
Healing Session With Jesus
(This prayer is to be said in a very quiet place without distraction. A chapel is recommended. If you are not able to pray in a chapel, then you can pray in any quiet place available.)
Do not skip any part of this prayer.
Opening Prayer:
To The Holy Trinity
God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit; my maker and my God, I thank You for this day and for giving me the opportunity to participate in this spiritual activity for healing. Father, I am a sinner and I ask for the forgiveness of all my sins against You. Remember Jesus died for me so that I can be forgiven of all wrongs and iniquity. Remember that You said in Your word in Jeremiah 3 verse 12 and 13 that You will no longer look on me in anger. You also said that I should acknowledge my sins and You will have mercy and forgive me. Holy Trinity, I acknowledge all my sins and evil deeds and I say that I am very sorry for all of them.
(Pause with your eyes closed and without distraction. Begin to search your mind for all sins you have committed against God and tell Him that you are sorry for all of them.)
Lord, Have mercy on me according to Your word in Psalm 91 verse 1 and wash away my sin. Please, wash me with the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ according to Your word in Psalm 91. Amen.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I ask for Your powerful presence as I pray. Please have mercy on me and do not deny me of Your powerful presence. Remember that You said in Matthew 7:7: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Holy Trinity, I long, ask and seek for Your presence as I pray. Remember that You said in Jeremiah 33 verse 3 that I should call on You and that You will answer. Holy Trinity, I call upon You with all my heart, mind, soul and strength. Please answer me my Lord and my God out of the depth of Your love and mercy and for the sake of Your holy name. Amen.
To Mother Mary Health Of The Sick
Mother, I call upon you in the name of God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I ask for your presence, help and intercession as I pray. Mother, please listen to the cry of your child who is calling upon you and have mercy on me. Mother, you are the help of all Christians. You are my constant help in time of trouble and afflictions because God has specially empowered you to be my mother and intercessor. I call upon you Health of the Sick, I call upon you Refuge of Sinners, I call upon you Ark of the Covenant, I call upon you Queen of heaven and earth. Please come to my aid and help me to get healed. Amen.
For Angelic Help
Holy Trinity; Father, Son and Spirit; my Lord and my God. I beg You, adding my voice to that of my Blessed Mother Mary, asking You to release Archangel Raphael and all Your healing angels in heaven. Holy Trinity, I beg You, for the sake of the Most Precious Blood that was shed by Jesus Christ, please release your Holy Angels to come and work upon my life and body. Let your Holy Angels minister to me in various ways during this prayer. Amen. Holy Angel Raphael and all the healing angels of God, I ask for your help and presence. Please, come and touch me by the power of God so that I can be healed. I ask you Holy Angels of God to heal me for the sake of the Holy name of our God who is exalted high above all things. Amen.
Second Day
There are many causes of sicknesses and diseases; one of them can be God's wrath. One can be punished by God with sickness or illness. In Numbers Chapter 12, God punished Miriam with leprosy after she spoke against Moses. In 2 Kings 5:27, Gehazi, the servant of Elisha was struck with leprosy because of his sins. Also, in Exodus 9:8-12, the Lord punished the Egyptians by covering their bodies with boils. Remember also that the Lord made Apostle Paul blind on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians before he was later restored again. The Lord can punish people by withdrawing the good health that they enjoy.
If there is anything that we have done which is making us to suffer greatly in our health, today is an opportunity to ask for forgiveness and plead for God's mercy. You need the mercy of God to live a normal life again. If you ask for mercy sincerely, He will heal you and cure you.
Testimony: By Nick
In 2017, I was living my life as I wanted. I always sinned gravely against God and ask for forgiveness only to go back to sin. He warned me through various ways but I didn’t listen. I kept on sinning against Him through sinful sexual pleasures and fantasies. One day, I was watching a bad video which showed unclad women and immediately I saw that, I felt something strange happen to me and I became distressed. As usual, I went to ask God for forgiveness but this time, He refused to listen. I have taken Him for granted so much. The more I prayed, the more I felt in my heart that my prayers were not being heard by God. About three days later, I was sleeping one night when I had a dream and in the dream, I saw that I was going to die. In the dream, the Lord separated me from Mary who would have interceded for me and His worry was how my earthly mom was going to handle my death.
When I woke up, I was filled with fear. I kept trying to pray but He was not listening. God had warned me so much but I really disregarded His warnings and took Him for granted. I was afraid. I was wondering what was going to happen to me. Will I die in an accident? Will I fall sick with a terminal illness? What will happen to me? These questions and fear kept coming up in my mind. After a week, I fell sick mysteriously. It started like acute shortage of blood. I was feeling dizzy and light-headed always. Before I knew it, I lost my appetite, and coordination. I had severe insomnia and failing nervous system. I was gradually dying slowly. I was rushed to the hospital and admitted. The doctors tried to diagnose but came up with nothing. My family were worried and I was very scared because I knew what the cause of my illness was.
When my body began to shutdown gradually, I called my mother and brother and told them all my dreams and all that has happened and she started crying. I told them to pray for me so that God will have mercy on me because I have really hurt Him badly. We prayed together for a while in the hospital with tears and the Lord finally decided to have mercy on me. My body that was shutting down began to be revived again. I was healed but the symptoms didn’t disappear immediately. It took some weeks for the symptoms I felt to totally disappear. Today, I am well and enjoying good health from God. I thank God for His mercy upon my life and for giving me another chance to live for Him after taking Him for granted for so long.
Session with Jesus
Mother Mary and the Holy Angels, please I ask you in God's name to assist me as I pray. (Repeat three times with seriousness)
(Now imagine Jesus on the cross covered in His wounds.) Say: Lord Jesus, I need Your help. Please have mercy on me and cure me. (Three times.)
Close your eyes and Imagine Jesus still on the cross covered with wounds (for five minutes), thank Him for the sacrifice He has made for you. Tell Him how much you love Him.
The Lord is listening to you now:
Tell Jesus how sorry you are for offending Him with your sins.
Ask Him to have mercy upon you and forgive all sins that may be the cause of your ill health.
Tell Jesus to have mercy on you.
Tell Him all you are scared of.
Now begin to touch and tell Him where you feel pains in your body.
Tell Him how you feel internally and externally and every symptom you do not like.
Is there any part of your body which is missing or incomplete or withered? Begin to tell Him about it.
Is there any organ that is damaged? Begin to touch it and tell Him about it.
Is there any sickness and conditions that you are suffering from which has no medical explanation? Begin to tell Him everything about it.
Tell Him everything you want.
Then say:
Lord Jesus Christ, I worship You because You are my Father and my God; the maker of the whole universe. You have heard all I have said and I know that they are settled today. Lord Jesus, let the Holy Spirit begin to flow in my body; from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet for healing. Lord Jesus, please let Your healing power together with Your Precious Blood begin to heal me and cleanse me. Lord Jesus, I beg You, for the sake of Your love, Your mercy, Your Precious Blood and Your Holy name, please cure me, heal me and restore me totally. Lord Jesus, please, never let me remain the way I am. I put all my trust in You, please have mercy on me and heal me. Lord Jesus, please, do not deny me Your mercy and healing. Lord Jesus, remember You said in Your living word in Exodus 23:25 that You will take sickness away from me. Lord Jesus, remember You said in Jeremiah 30:17 that You will restore me to health. Jesus, I believe and hold You to Your word because You can never lie. You are able and capable to heal me, please heal me. Amen.
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