Theme: "What is impossible with men is possible with God." Luke 18:27
Start with the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Litany
After Divine Mercy, proceed with the following prayers below.
Penitential Prayer
God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, I am very sorry for all the sins I have committed against you. I ask for mercy and pardon. You said in your word in Jeremiah 3:13 that I should acknowledge my sins. Most Holy Trinity, today, I acknowledge all my sins and I beg you to forgive me and wash me according to your word in Psalm 51:2. I am a sinner, lord please forgive me out of your inexhaustible mercy. Forgive the sins of my family and the sins of the world. Most merciful Trinity, please, do not allow any sin to stand against my prayers or prevent my prayers from reaching your throne. Holy Mary Help of Christians, intercede for me before the throne of God and help me obtain pardon for my sins. Amen
Most Holy Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I worship and I adore you above all things. I worship you at this moment with all the angels and saints in heaven. I worship and adore you with all the Christians saying this prayer at this moment. From the depth of my heart and with all my will, I acknowledge you alone as God and creator of all things. Your word in Jeremiah 10:6 says that there is no one like you, you are great and your name is mighty in power. I adore you as the maker of all things in accordance with your word in Jeremiah 51:19. Lord God, I worship and I adore you with all my heart and soul. I worship you because you are the sovereign God of 2 Samuel 7:22. You are the I am that I am of Exodus 3:14. You Oh Lord are the Alpha and the Omega of Revelation 1:8. My Lord and my God, you alone are the Most High over all the earth in accordance with your word in Psalm 83:18. You are the great and awesome healer of Exodus 15:26. You are the power above all powers, Spirit above all spirits, the final authority. I worship and adore you Lord God Almighty. I adore you my God and my Father. I bow before your power and worship you with all the angels, for you are all that matters and you alone deserve all worship and adoration. Mary Help of Christians, all the saints and angels of God, I beckon on you at this moment to worship God Almighty with me. Amen
Holy Spirit of God, I your unworthy child invoke your precious presence and your mighty power at this moment of prayer because without you, I can do nothing. Holy Spirit, please come and empower me, please come and help me to pray well. I Invoke your power and presence in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the power in his most precious blood. I also invoke at this special moment the presence and intercession of my most precious Mother; Mary Help of Christians. Mother, I invoke and implore your help at this moment. I also call upon the help of Saint Joseph and all the Holy Saints of God in heaven at this moment. Lord Almighty, I beg you in the name of Jesus Christ at this moment to release your mighty angels; Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and all your ministering angels. Amen
Mention your intentions
(Pour your heart to God with Faith)
Last Day Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, I adore the wound of your most sacred side. I adore the water and blood that gushed out for me. Lord Jesus, I thank you for your death for me on the cross. Please Lord, let the precious blood and water which gushed out of your sacred side flow into my life and family and turn it around. Let your precious blood and water wash away all darkness in my life and family. Let the precious blood and water from your sacred side bring me freedom. Let the precious blood and water from your sacred side break all yokes in my life and family. Let it bring about supernatural testimonies and miracles in my life and family. Let it bring answer to my prayers. So that at the end, all glory and honour will be yours forever. Amen
Mary Help of Christians. I thank you for helping me to complete this novena. I commit all my supplications into your hands and to your immaculate heart. I thank God for answering my prayers. I thank you for your intercession throughout this novena. May the will of God always be done in my life. Amen
I thank you oh Lord for answering my prayers and for the mercy you have shown to me today. I thank you for listening to the prayer of an unworthy sinner like me. I thank you for what you have done and for what you will still do. I thank you and give you all the glory. I also thank my precious Mother; Mary Help of Christians and all the angels and saints for your active participation in this prayer. May the name of God be praised and may his will be done always in heaven and on earth. Amen. Recite 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Mary and 3 Glory Be. For Mary Our Help and all those who contributed to the success of this prayer. Recite 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Mary and 3 Glory Be. For the repose of the soul of Rev Father Ernest CSSP.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we hope and pray sincerely that God almighty blesses you through this Great Novena. We ask the wounded Lord Jesus Christ and Mother Mary to grant all your requests and show you mercy in Jesus' name. Amen.
Dear Family, This Great Novena marks ten years of evangelization by Mary Our Help worldwide. We use this opportunity to ask for your prayers and financial support to keep up with this vast and marvellous work of God, our maker in this generation and age. Please click on the button below if you are touched or led in your spirit to support God's work. Thank You.
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Important message to all participants of this Novena prayer
Dearly beloved children and friends of Jesus Christ. As you can see, this Novena prayer is in honour of wounded and agonizing Jesus Christ. Why is Jesus in agony? He is in agony because after suffering humiliation, shame, scorn, grief and a sorrowful death, we and the world have abandoned Him. The world does not care about the will of God and the death of Jesus. Most churches in the world are empty, the Holy Eucharist is now neglected in many parts of the world. Jesus has been abandoned and a great multitude of souls are rushing to hell like a flood.
The devil wants the sacrifice and death of Jesus to be in vain, in the lives of the people of this age and generation. Abortion, homosexuality and all forms of atrocities are being legalized in various countries of the world. The world is becoming liberal unto death and destruction. This is a call for all soldiers of Christ saying this prayer to arise and start working hard to console Jesus by evangelization and prayer; working by the power of the Holy Spirit to bring back all those who are lost. Let us bring back all souls, churches, societies and countries that have lost the faith. Let us proclaim and bring Jesus to every corner of the world; let us bring Jesus to the atheists, unbelievers, sinners and all who do not truly have Jesus as their Lord and personal Saviour.
Through prayers and works of evangelization, let us bring Christ's mandate into this sinful world. Let us console Him by trying our best to reduce the number of souls going to hell. Today, if you are willing, ask Jesus in your heart sincerely to equip and use you in this world and generation to bring consolation to His Sacred Heart.