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Theme: "What is impossible with men is possible with God." Luke 18:27 Before you start this prayer, bear in mind that God loves you. He loves you so much that He came to the world and gave His own life in exchange for yours through Jesus. Now that you are about to start this prayer, He is willing and able to grant your request but, it is important you check your inner mind and heart and see if there is anyway you have been offending God through your ways of life. Jesus loves you so much to a point of dying agonizingly and shamefully on the cross. All He wants you to do is to love Him back with all your heart by stopping every bad things you previously use to do and doing away with every sin in your life. Repeat the following prayer: My Lord Jesus Christ, I am very sorry for having offended you through my bad habits, addictions, words, actions, thoughts etc. I acknowledge that you love me and I do not want the torture, pains, disgrace and sorrow you endured for my soul to be in vain. I give you my entire soul because you have purchased it with your love and your precious blood. Today, before God and all the host of heaven, I renounce the devil and all his works and his empty promises and seduction. I give you my soul, consciously and willingly without reserve. Please Lord, help me to live a holy life and help me to love you in the best way possible. Please, help me to avoid sin so that everything about me will make you happy. Lord, please, never let me go back to my past ways of life. Lord, give me abundant grace never to look back. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon my heart and my soul to help me to strive forward to heaven. Lord God, please detach and kill every love for the world that exist in my heart and mind and implant your fire and love in me. I give you my soul today, never allow it to be lost in Jesus mighty name. Amen. PRAYERS FOR DAY ONEStart with the Divine Mercy Chaplet and LitanyAfter Divine Mercy, proceed with the following prayers below. Penitential PrayerGod the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, I am very sorry for all the sins I have committed against you. I ask for mercy and pardon. You said in your word in Jeremiah 3:13 that I should acknowledge my sins. Most Holy Trinity, today, I acknowledge all my sins and I beg you to forgive me and wash me according to your word in Psalm 51:2. I am a sinner, lord please forgive me out of your inexhaustible mercy. Forgive the sins of my family and the sins of the world. Most merciful Trinity, please, do not allow any sin to stand against my prayers or prevent my prayers from reaching your throne. Holy Mary Help of Christians, intercede for me before the throne of God and help me obtain pardon for my sins. Amen AdorationMost Holy Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I worship and I adore you above all things. I worship you at this moment with all the angels and saints in heaven. I worship and adore you with all the Christians saying this prayer at this moment. From the depth of my heart and with all my will, I acknowledge you alone as God and creator of all things. Your word in Jeremiah 10:6 says that there is no one like you, you are great and your name is mighty in power. I adore you as the maker of all things in accordance with your word in Jeremiah 51:19. Lord God, I worship and I adore you with all my heart and soul. I worship you because you are the sovereign God of 2 Samuel 7:22. You are the I am that I am of Exodus 3:14. You Oh Lord are the Alpha and the Omega of Revelation 1:8. My Lord and my God, you alone are the Most High over all the earth in accordance with your word in Psalm 83:18. You are the great and awesome healer of Exodus 15:26. You are the power above all powers, Spirit above all spirits, the final authority. I worship and adore you Lord God Almighty. I adore you my God and my Father. I bow before your power and worship you with all the angels, for you are all that matters and you alone deserve all worship and adoration. Mary Help of Christians, all the saints and angels of God, I beckon on you at this moment to worship God Almighty with me. Amen InvocationHoly Spirit of God, I your unworthy child invoke your precious presence and your mighty power at this moment of prayer because without you, I can do nothing. Holy Spirit, please come and empower me, please come and help me to pray well. I Invoke your power and presence in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the power in his most precious blood. I also invoke at this special moment the presence and intercession of my most precious Mother; Mary Help of Christians. Mother, I invoke and implore your help at this moment. I also call upon the help of Saint Joseph and all the Holy Saints of God in heaven at this moment. Lord Almighty, I beg you in the name of Jesus Christ at this moment to release your mighty angels; Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and all your ministering angels. Amen Mention your intentions
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